Chapter 15

My first Dràm Mòr

Believe it or not, this time it was not a bbq at my place. And this is new news by itself. Leo recently upgraded his place in London, which meant: garden available, brand new bbq and an invite on my phone. Peppino was there as well, as he cannot resist some free meat. 


One of our most read articles so far has been about Dram Mor (Leo’s Chapter 12). This made me think their fan base is really passionate about them…and these days, with the wide and growing choice available to whisky enthusiasts, you don’t become so passionate about a brand by chance…for sure there must have been something behind.


Kenny and Vick have been so kind to share some interesting drams with us (much appreciated!) – and we dug right into them…


my first dram mor

Speyside 2014 8 years old moscatel 51.6%

Let’s start with this Speyside dram, distilled in 2014, finished in a first fill moscatel cask and bottled at cask strength 51.6% abv. Thank goodness!


On the Nose: it starts sulfury. Then it turns into pollen and rich honeycomb. Then marsala, and zabaione. On the Palate: Is the closest dram to bombardino. If you ever skied on the Italian alps you will know. Rich in texture. Eggy, creamy and silky.


Finish: fiery on the arrival, then sweet. Medium length. Waxy and honey. Classic vanilla scented candle at the end.


Overall: At £62 in the UK it’s a very decent offering. Pretty decent even though young. What a promising start.

Mannochmore 2010 13 years old 54.8%

Good stuff face
Good stuff face

First pour. I’m in love. It almost got the badge straight away. This is a great example of when you have a great spirit plus fantastic first refill bourbon cask and you don’t need anything else to generate a mindblowing dram. Mannochmore is a speyside distillery characterized by a light fruity spirit. This dram was distilled in 2010 and matured for 13 years in a refill bourbon hogshead. Bottled at 54.8%.


On the Nose: vanilla sugar, bourbon caracter, pane degli angeli. A bit of weather and  toffee apples come out. Amaretto. There is so much going on. A bit of time and you get green apples and freshly cut grass.


Palate: jasmine and tangerine. Persian rose water. Thick thick…very thick oh yes! Spicy pepper.


Finish: peppery. More spices (nutmeg, cinnamon). Complex fruity. A fresh walk in a Sudtirol apple orchard early in the morning.


Overall: At £66 in UK, guys…it’s no-brainer. I am in love!

Blair Athol 2011 11 years old 56%

I’m loving Kenny and Vick. Another great spirit, refill bourbon hogshead, 56%. It doesn’t need anything else really. No fancy wine finishes. The excitement comes from within.

On the Nose: papaya, very floral. Cereal notes of freshly baked biscuits. Burning electrical wires (this is from Leo, I take no responsibility – lol). Fresh thyme. Peaches in syrup (or simply pesche sciroppate).

Palate: thick and rich. Very tropical. Balanced sweet and sour.

Finish: Rich and long. We’re back in an amazing orchard but with tropical fruits thrown at us as we walk…

Overall: a great contender for the badge. A little bit pricier and touch less complex than the Mannochmore, but solid and sound.

Glen Garioch 2013 10 years old ex-islay Williamson HHD 57.1%

High High Definition. That’s what HHD stands for right? Unpeated sweet spirit from Aberdeenshire, matured in a Williamson cask (dodgy name for an independent bottled undisclosed Islay peated whisky which starts with L and ends with roaig apparently). Did the marriage work?


On the Nose: chlorophyll almost like Aloe Vera. Nutty notes of roasted hazelnut. Stove. Subtle Islay character coming out but not taking too much of the scene. Iodine.


Palate: I don’t know, but it didn’t taste medicinal. We bet it would have been more of an Ardbeg or Bowmore cask. What do you think? . Expired candles at the end of mass. Still fruity and rich. Wedding is working guys…


Finish: frankincense and sandalwood. Lavender.


Overall: The experiment worked. Another high level dram for a higher price this time. Around £82-84 in the UK.

a chat with dràm mòr


I’ve just become a huge Dràm Mòr fan.

I don’t know if it makes sense to talk about consistency for an independent bottler, but I hope you see what I mean. The team here really delivers amazing quality for very competitive prices. And if you’re an enthusiast, you must give them a try.

For sure they’ll have something suiting your palate and wallet pretty well.

Well done Vick and Kenny. Drampath loves you!


and more...

Today's drams

  • Speyside 2014 8 year old moscatel – 51.6%
  • Mannochmore 2010 13 years old – 54.8%
  • Blair Athol 2011 11 years old – 56%
  • Glen Garioch 2013 10 years old ex-islay Williamson HHD – 57.1%